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    Safety problems of beverage filling machine

    Release time: 2022-08-19

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    1. Beverage filling machine can not be placed in an explosive environment. The environment must be dry, clean and rainproof.

    2, beverage filling machine in operation, must not leave the person;

    3. After each filling of the beverage filling machine, we should close all the pipeline valves;

    4. After the staff of the beverage filling machine finishes their work, all power supplies must be cut off;

    5. We conduct safety verification of beverage filling machine regularly and weekly according to the "debugging method".

    6, often add oil to the beverage filling machine, oil volume to two-thirds of the cup can be.

    Copyright ? 2022 Jiangsu Xinyizhong Machinery Co., Ltd.ICP 2022027286 
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